"Tigercub epitomise the exciting talent bubbling beneath the mainstream surface of the UK’s rock scene."


"they call to mind another couple of Brighton outfits, Royal Blood and Architects. On this form, there’s nothing to say that Tigercub can’t follow them. "

DIY ★★★★

"brilliantly redefines who and what they are… a rebirth of a maverick rock’n’roll poet"

Kerrang ★★★★

"One of the most inventive bands on the UK scene"

Upset ★★★★

"confirms.. a grunge and garage rock mastermind... three years away have only done favours for the underground icons”

Dork ★★★★

"traces of Muse‘s progressiveness, some Jeff Buckley-reminiscent wanderlust and the snarky minimalism of Death From Above 1979…What separates the band from the dreck of rock radio though is their honesty and eagerness to experiment."

the PRP ★★★★★